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> .:The lemming commanments are curently being worked on here are the top 35:. 1)Do not flatuate 2)Do not worry, If worried think of the lemming prophet and she will help you with her lemming stick 3)Be happy 4)Eat cheese not poo 5)Go shopping for food to eat 6)Do not be mean 7)Watch angel 8)Belive in our religion or prepared to zapped 9)Wear deodrant and wash frequently 10)Believe in the sacred lemming scarf of the lemming prophet for it has magical healing powers 11)Lemming should have poking stcks to poke one another 12)The light that beep is sacred 13)If a porcupine fart in a forest and no one hears it did it really happen? 14)All barns are sacredseeing our good lord was born in one 15)The Lemming prophet died while fighting MBC 16)The Lemming prophet hymm''ask tora 17)Fear the great snoo 18)*&?!" 19)The Lemming rides in a wheel barrow pulled by geese 20)If Monk Bernie is naked RUN 21)The lemming will not eat geese 22)6ft is sacred, cos the lemming must wear shoes 23)If Monk Bernie jumps out nakey run to the lemming who will get a stick and run after him and hit him saying "Nasty Pervert Monk Bernie" 24)Lemming will rise and beat Monk Bernie and all his followers 25)X-files must continue 4 eva 26)Wig-wig 27)Support Lindsay and Lillah the way forward 28)Eat spamand chocolate together...yummy 29)Remember our sacred prophet was born in a barn on a bed of chocolate and spam 30)Salem and Maggie should rule the world together 31)The lemming prophet stole Monk Bernies under garments thus why he runs naked 32) The lemming prophet demands that the poo stick challenge is replaced by snobbery 33)LOOT NOT 34)Mrs S is a tramp 35)The bush is sacred for it provides food, shelter and lavitorial services. |